Board meeting on January 24, 2016

January 24, 2015

President Albert Wen called the meeting to order at 2:00pm


Albert W. (President)

Dennis D. (Vice President)

Brenda C. (Secretary)

Jason W. (Fundraising Officer)

Eva C. (Media Coordinator)

Gordon P. (Event Coordinator)
Sharon C. (Parent) 

Kristy C. (Registrar of Voters Office)

Jun Z. (IBM, Adult Supervisor)


Legal Status
We are a registered nonprofit organization in California; a CPA is needed for legal tax filing.  Referrals needed.

Donation - $5.00 (all members)
Vouchers - Krispy Kream/ Dunkin Donuts (Eva C.)
Fundraising event (2/20/2016 2:00pm - 4:00pm Heritage Park Community Center)


Eva has submitted T-shirt designs, the Board has finalized the design will be used, and voted on the T-shirt color should be dark-blue, and the letters should be white.  (Design: Voting Involvement Association).  T-shirts production should be completed by 2/13/16, so the volunteer students can wear for the Walk The Precinct event.

PublicationResearcher Timeline
All research - due Jan 31 (Brenda has submitted and shared her research material - Women’s suffrage/19th Amendment)

WebsiteCompleted, Albert published youthvia website at the end of the meeting - January 24, 2016!  
Dennis and Shannon have completed “About Us”.
Eva will add Mission Statement after the meeting.

Future Community Engagement Events2/13/2016 (Saturday) 9:00am - 12:00pm: Walk the Precinct - door to door voter registration; meet at Irvine High School front parking lot
2/20/2016 (Saturday) 9:15am - 1:15pm:  Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Associaton Monthly Meeting
2/20/2016 (Saturday) 2:00pm - 4:00pm:  Fundraising Event at Heritage Park Community Center

VIA in other schoolsTwo schools are submitting their club application:  Northwood High School (Dennis) and Beckman High School (Shannon).  VIAN and ROV will provide all assistance when needed.

Voter Education/Upcoming ElectionsMultilingual support in Orange County (Vietnamese, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Khmer, Japanese, and Tagalog).
Vote-by-Mail Ballot: It is important to note that the voted ballot must be received no later than three days after Election day, but it must be signed and dated no later than Election Day to be counted.
A new law, effective January 1, 2016, allows voters who did not sign their ballots to complete an Unsigned Ballot Statement.  This statement must be returned to Registrar of Voters’ office no later than 5:00pm on the eighth day after the election.
Top Two Candidates Open Primary Election: exceptions - United States President, United States Vice President, Member of Party Central Committee, and local officers.

High School MyBallot ProgramHelp students learn important lesson in Election.  The unique program is a comprehensive three steps series including (1) classroom presentation (2) Registrar of Voters’ office field trip/office tour, and (3) Election Day on campus.

Why One Vote Matters?1868 - 1 vote saved President Johnson from impeachment
1876 - 1 vote gave Rutherford B. Hayes the Presidency
2007 Orange County Supervisor First District Election:  Janet Nguyen: 10919 votes vs. Trung Nguyen: 10912 votes
2015 Orange County Supervisor First District, Short Term:  Andrew Do: 18,905 votes vs. Lou Correa: 18862 votes

Group Activity for Walk The Precinct:Develop the script: anticipate three initial answers (ex: not a citizen, not interested/registered, registered voters)
Determine day of activity (Registrar of Voters Staff conduct Voter Registration training
Next meeting is scheduled on 2/14/2016 (Sunday) at 2:00pm
With no further business before the meeting, and upon a motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was adjourned.

Board meeting on January 3, 2016

January 3, 2016

President Albert Wen called the meeting to order at 2:00pm


Albert W. (President)

Leo J., Shannon Z., Dennis D. (Vice President)

Brenda C. (Secretary)

Megan V. (Community Service Coordinator)

Eva C., Julie W. (Media Coordinator)

Gordon P. (Event Coordinator)
Grace L., Sharon C., (Parents)

Kristy C. (Registrar of Voters Office)

Jun Z. (IBM, Adult Supervisor

Albert W. welcomed the group, followed by announcing Vice President Amy G. has resigned from her position


Legal Status
We are a registered nonprofit organization in California.
Should we have a CPA?  (still need further discussion)

Donation - $5.00 (all members)
YSA Grants (Shannon, Eva)
Providing Services (Art & Craft … Location?)
Raffle - 50/50 raffle (is it okay with school?)
Vouchers - Krispy Kream/ Dunkin Donuts (Eva)
Fundraisers at school (IHS has one in spring)
Lunar New Year Grams (Megan) (price of booth?)

To be published every 3 months
Core Staff (Writers' and Editors' Timeline
​First draft - due Feb 14
Second Draft - due Feb 28
Final draft - due Mar 6

Core Staff:
Designers: Julie, Brenda
Editors: Shannon, Albert
Writers: Shannon, Leo, Eva, Dennis, Albert, Tony Li, Jason, James, Celine
Graphics: Eva
Copy Editor: Eva
Researchers: Megan V., Gordon, Brenda C., Allison C., Ethan L., ​Elizabeth W., Tony Z., ​Vicky C., ​Brenna

Core staff members cannot begin writing until February 1, but it is a good idea to begin looking at how writers in publications like the New York Times, TIME, and the Guardian make news until then.

Researcher Timeline
All research - due Jan 31

Designers' Timeline
Rough draft - due Feb 14
Second draft - due Feb 28

We will need more content for the site. For now, we will complete the About Us description by January 24. We will continue Web development after we complete this part. Expect updates regarding tasks for this later on.

Future Events
Temporarily, at the end of February we will do an event called "Walk the Precinct." That means going door-to-door asking people if they have registered or not. Hopefully we will have T-shirts that can help identify us.

Public Speaking Practice
President Albert W. gave a question “what’s your favorite color?” for everyone to give a 2-minute speech on this topic.  After the speeches, Albert also gave suggestions to each members regarding where he/she can improve.
​The next meeting, everyone will be required to stand at the front of the room to present his or her work. This is a part of building your confidence for future social events, training your leadership skills.
Next meeting is scheduled on 1/24/2016 (Sunday) at 2:00pm
With no further business before the meeting, and upon a motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was adjourned. 

Board meeting on December 13, 2015

December 13, 2015

President Albert W. called the meeting to order at 2:00pm


Albert W. (President)

Amy G., Leo J., Shannon Z., Dennis D. (Vice President)

Brenda C. (Secretary)

Tony L. (Treasurer)

Megan V. (Community Service Coordinator)

Jason W. (Fundraising Officer)

Eva C., Julie W., Allison C. (Media Coordinator)

Gordon P. (Event Coordinator)
Tony Z. (Video Producer)
Grace L., Sharon C., (Parents)

Kristy C. (Registrar of Voters Office)

Jun Z. (IBM, Adult Supervisor

Albert W. welcomed the group, followed by presenting a video made by Tony Z..

Albert W. facilitated the meeting with discussion of

   1. Voting Involvement Association Nonprofit (VIAN).  The application has filed with California Secretary of State.

   2. Website: ( is redirected to

             (a) Amy G. will be working on the mission statement (1/3/2016

             (b) Megan V. will be working on introduction (due date: 1/3/2016)

             (c) Dennis D. and Eva C. will work on the website

   3. Voting centers in near future and of student poll workers:

             (a) ROV Representative Kristy C. informed the members of how the student poll workers

   4. Funding:

             (a) YSA (Youth Service America) grant for $400: Amy Guo checked: it has to be a registered nonprofit organization in order to apply for the grant.
             (b) $5.00 suggested donation from each member
             (c) Fundraising
                    (i) Providing services:

                           a. Tutoring/Day Care/ Kids’ activities:  rent a place to babysit children with activities. 
                           b. High School tutoring is a little difficult. Perhaps Arts & Crafts or Legos.
                           c. Car wash opted out: drought.
                   (ii) Raffle App:
                           a. Jason W. can donate present, and assist with raffle suggested using giant prize from D&B
                           b. Megan suggested linking the lottery to Asian Lunar New Year
                   (iii) 50/50 Raffle Drawing: each raffle ticket is $1.00.  Winter will take 50% of the total fund, while 50% is donated to the nonprofit.  Need to check if it is against school rules to do such a raffle
                  (iv) Selling vouchers:
                          a. Krispy Kream:  Eva Chen finds out more information (due date 1/3/15)

                          b. Local stores
                   (v) School fundraising
                   (vi) Community Service Opportunities:  Megan V. Incredible Edible Farm group volunteer
                   (vii) T-shirt:  T-shirt designs (please bring your ideas/designs to next meeting), Megan will check out local vendors to see if the cost can be less than  -   Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt: Each club will be responsible for its own cost, (based on the estimation of 100 pcs for all students), one side with one color design will be $6.70 per T-shirt.  For both sides (front and back) and one color design, it will be $8.48 per T-shirt.  There are additional cost for plus sizes.  Please let your member know that if they are interested, they can start design the T-shirt, and all VIA members will vote to see which one to use for this school year.  It can be  any image file of the final artwork, such as .pad, .jpg, .png, .eps, and .ai files. )
                         a. Possible Websites to consider:
                         b. Possible people interested in purchasing
                                University : 7-8
                                Woodbridge : 5

                                Irvine : 2-3?
5. Editor’s workshop:
         (a) Date: 12/28/2015 (Monday)
         (b) Location:  Albert’s home
         (c) Instructor: Albert’s sister
         (d) Sign up: Alison C./Eva C./Brenda C.
         (e) Still open to sign up, please sign up with Albert.
6. Next meeting: one hour for regular meeting agenda, and one hour for public speaking practice.
         (a) When discussing topics in front of everyone, it is not necessary to have extensive background information, but just enough to have an informed opinion.
         (b) The listeners can give technical critique after every speech.
         (c) All speeches are limited to around two minutes.

7. Sharing: Albert , Amy , Eva , Megan , and Dennis  shared their thoughts about current affairs in America and Europe.
8. Registrar of Voters Representative, Kristy C., offered to assist if VIAN would like to register officers at Senior Center or contact any community groups.
9. Next meeting is scheduled on 1/3/2016 (Sunday) at 2:00pm

 With no further business before the meeting, and upon a motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was adjourned.

First Board meeting on November 16, 2015

November 16,2015

President Albert Wen called the meeting to order at 5:00pm


Albert W. (President)

Amy G., Leo J., Shannon Z., Dennis D. (Vice President)

Brenda C. (Secretary)

Tony L. (Treasurer)

Megan V. (Community Service Coordinator)

Jason W. (Fundraising Officer)

Eva C., Julie W. (Media Coordinator)

Ethan L., Gordon P. (Member)

Joanna L., Grace L., Leishen, Sharon C., Joan Z., Grace S. (Parent)

Kristy C. (Registrar of Voters Office)

Jun Z. (IBM, Adult Supervisor)


Kristy C. welcomed the group, followed by briefly explaining that the nonprofit organization would be formed in January 2016.  The three main officer positions, president, secretary, and treasurer would remain in the position until the end of 2016-2017 school year.  The other officer positions, the Board could decide if they should be re-elected at the end of 2015-2016 school year.  She encouraged parents to sign up for board members to give supervision and assistance when needed.  

Election of the president would be confidential and Kristy C. introduced Presidential candidates, Albert W. and Amy G. for their campaign speeches. Random draw for candidates speaking order, (1) Albert W. (2) Amy G..

Candidates Opening Statements
Albert W. (Irvine HS) started with self-introductions, followed by his vision and plans for VIAN.  He would take all responsibilities needed for VIAN to be a national organization, and he shared his honor of receiving Presidential Service Gold Award and offer the opportunity for his fellow members to receive such a honor.

Amy G. (Northwood HS) started with self-introductions, followed by her vision and plans for VIAN.  She would assist the creation of non-profit application, organization of VIA meetings, will contact local political parties/politicians to create community service opportunities, prior experience working with local political campaigns, strong leadership and organizational skills, interest in and passion for politics and public service. She would like to bring to VIAN members the benefits of her working with the local candidates office, and share the experiences and opportunities with fellow members.

Members Introductions
Amy G. facilitated, and the student board/non-board members briefly introduced themselves.

Vice Presidents:
Shannon Z. (Beckman HS)
Leo J. (Irvine HS)
Dennis Ding (Northwood HS)

Brenda C. (Woodbridge HS)

Tony L. (Univeristy HS)

Community Service Coordinator:
Megan V. (Irvine HS)
Fundraising Officer:
Jason W. (Woodbridge HS)

Media Coordinator:
Eva C. (Woodbridge HS)
Julie W. (Irvine HS)

Ethan L. (Trabuco HS)
Gordon P. (Pioneer MS)

Casting Ballots
Student members had casted their ballots confidentially.

Albert W. facilitated the meeting with discussion of
(1) Name of the nonprofit organization: Majority votes passed for the name to be Voting Involvement Association Nonprofit (VIAN)

     (a) discussed names: YouthVIA, VIA Youth, VIA

(2) Website: ( is redirected to

    (a) Eva C. and Dennis D. will be in charge of the website until a webmaster is assigned.
(3) Member Benefits:
    (a) Presidential Service Awards
         Age 11-15:  Bronze (50-74 hours), Silver (75-99 hours), Gold (100+ hours)
         Age 16-25: Bronze (100-174 hours), Silver (175-249 hours), Gold (250+ hours)
(4) Meeting Frequency:  Bi-monthly, Sunday, 5pm, at IvyMax (600 Roosevelt, Irvine, CA 92620)
(5) Funding:

     (a) YSA (Youth Service America) grant for $400; application deadline 1/15/2016
     (b) Divided costs among members
     (c) Fundraising
     (d) Sponsorship/Donation  (Megan V. will ask her grandfather for sponsorship)

(6) Community Service Events

     (a) Run For a Claus Event: Coordinator- Kristy C., 12/5/2015 (Saturday), 5:30am-11:30am, location: UCI, sign up online at

 , volunteer will receive an Elf shirt, Elf hat and 5 ½ community service hours
     (b) Incredible Edible Farm:  Coordinator-Megan V. will contact Ashley Pries(Incredible Edible Farm event coordinator) for group volunteer opportunity
     (c) Soup Kitchens: Coordinator- Albert W.
     (d) Operation Santa Claus

     (e) Toys for Tots
(7) Future Major Elections
     (a) Presidential General Election, 11/8/2016
     (b) Presidential Primary Election, 6/7/2016
     (c) North Orange County Community College District Special Vacancy Election, 2/9/2016
     (d) Orange Unified School District Special Vacancy Election, 3/1/2016
(8) The three main officers will meet before next board meeting to complete the nonprofit organization forms needed to file with California Secretary of State.

Kristy Chen concluded the meeting by announcing the result of the election, Albert W. received 8 votes, and Amy G. received 5 votes.  Albert W. would be the president, and Amy G. would be the first chair Vice President.  

With no further business before the meeting, and upon a motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was adjourned.