November 16,2015
President Albert Wen called the meeting to order at 5:00pm
Albert W. (President)
Amy G., Leo J., Shannon Z., Dennis D. (Vice President)
Brenda C. (Secretary)
Tony L. (Treasurer)
Megan V. (Community Service Coordinator)
Jason W. (Fundraising Officer)
Eva C., Julie W. (Media Coordinator)
Ethan L., Gordon P. (Member)
Joanna L., Grace L., Leishen, Sharon C., Joan Z., Grace S. (Parent)
Kristy C. (Registrar of Voters Office)
Jun Z. (IBM, Adult Supervisor)
Kristy C. welcomed the group, followed by briefly explaining that the nonprofit organization would be formed in January 2016. The three main officer positions, president, secretary, and treasurer would remain in the position until the end of 2016-2017 school year. The other officer positions, the Board could decide if they should be re-elected at the end of 2015-2016 school year. She encouraged parents to sign up for board members to give supervision and assistance when needed.
Election of the president would be confidential and Kristy C. introduced Presidential candidates, Albert W. and Amy G. for their campaign speeches. Random draw for candidates speaking order, (1) Albert W. (2) Amy G..
Candidates Opening Statements
Albert W. (Irvine HS) started with self-introductions, followed by his vision and plans for VIAN. He would take all responsibilities needed for VIAN to be a national organization, and he shared his honor of receiving Presidential Service Gold Award and offer the opportunity for his fellow members to receive such a honor.
Amy G. (Northwood HS) started with self-introductions, followed by her vision and plans for VIAN. She would assist the creation of non-profit application, organization of VIA meetings, will contact local political parties/politicians to create community service opportunities, prior experience working with local political campaigns, strong leadership and organizational skills, interest in and passion for politics and public service. She would like to bring to VIAN members the benefits of her working with the local candidates office, and share the experiences and opportunities with fellow members.
Members Introductions
Amy G. facilitated, and the student board/non-board members briefly introduced themselves.
Vice Presidents:
Shannon Z. (Beckman HS)
Leo J. (Irvine HS)
Dennis Ding (Northwood HS)
Brenda C. (Woodbridge HS)
Tony L. (Univeristy HS)
Community Service Coordinator:
Megan V. (Irvine HS)
Fundraising Officer:
Jason W. (Woodbridge HS)
Media Coordinator:
Eva C. (Woodbridge HS)
Julie W. (Irvine HS)
Ethan L. (Trabuco HS)
Gordon P. (Pioneer MS)
Casting Ballots
Student members had casted their ballots confidentially.
Albert W. facilitated the meeting with discussion of
(1) Name of the nonprofit organization: Majority votes passed for the name to be Voting Involvement Association Nonprofit (VIAN)
(a) discussed names: YouthVIA, VIA Youth, VIA
(2) Website: ( is redirected to
(a) Eva C. and Dennis D. will be in charge of the website until a webmaster is assigned.
(3) Member Benefits:
(a) Presidential Service Awards
Age 11-15: Bronze (50-74 hours), Silver (75-99 hours), Gold (100+ hours)
Age 16-25: Bronze (100-174 hours), Silver (175-249 hours), Gold (250+ hours)
(4) Meeting Frequency: Bi-monthly, Sunday, 5pm, at IvyMax (600 Roosevelt, Irvine, CA 92620)
(5) Funding:
(a) YSA (Youth Service America) grant for $400; application deadline 1/15/2016
(b) Divided costs among members
(c) Fundraising
(d) Sponsorship/Donation (Megan V. will ask her grandfather for sponsorship)
(6) Community Service Events
(a) Run For a Claus Event: Coordinator- Kristy C., 12/5/2015 (Saturday), 5:30am-11:30am, location: UCI, sign up online at, volunteer will receive an Elf shirt, Elf hat and 5 ½ community service hours
(b) Incredible Edible Farm: Coordinator-Megan V. will contact Ashley Pries(Incredible Edible Farm event coordinator) for group volunteer opportunity
(c) Soup Kitchens: Coordinator- Albert W.
(d) Operation Santa Claus
(e) Toys for Tots
(7) Future Major Elections
(a) Presidential General Election, 11/8/2016
(b) Presidential Primary Election, 6/7/2016
(c) North Orange County Community College District Special Vacancy Election, 2/9/2016
(d) Orange Unified School District Special Vacancy Election, 3/1/2016
(8) The three main officers will meet before next board meeting to complete the nonprofit organization forms needed to file with California Secretary of State.
Kristy Chen concluded the meeting by announcing the result of the election, Albert W. received 8 votes, and Amy G. received 5 votes. Albert W. would be the president, and Amy G. would be the first chair Vice President.
With no further business before the meeting, and upon a motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was adjourned.