January 3, 2016
President Albert Wen called the meeting to order at 2:00pm
Albert W. (President)
Leo J., Shannon Z., Dennis D. (Vice President)
Brenda C. (Secretary)
Megan V. (Community Service Coordinator)
Eva C., Julie W. (Media Coordinator)
Gordon P. (Event Coordinator)
Grace L., Sharon C., (Parents)
Kristy C. (Registrar of Voters Office)
Jun Z. (IBM, Adult Supervisor
Albert W. welcomed the group, followed by announcing Vice President Amy G. has resigned from her position
Legal StatusWe are a registered nonprofit organization in California.
Should we have a CPA? (still need further discussion)
FundingDonation - $5.00 (all members)
YSA Grants (Shannon, Eva)
Providing Services (Art & Craft … Location?)
Raffle - 50/50 raffle (is it okay with school?)
Vouchers - Krispy Kream/ Dunkin Donuts (Eva)
Fundraisers at school (IHS has one in spring)
Lunar New Year Grams (Megan) (price of booth?)
PublicationTo be published every 3 months
Core Staff (Writers' and Editors' Timeline
First draft - due Feb 14
Second Draft - due Feb 28
Final draft - due Mar 6
Core Staff:Designers: Julie, Brenda
Editors: Shannon, Albert
Writers: Shannon, Leo, Eva, Dennis, Albert, Tony Li, Jason, James, Celine
Graphics: Eva
Copy Editor: Eva
Researchers: Megan V., Gordon, Brenda C., Allison C., Ethan L., Elizabeth W., Tony Z., Vicky C., Brenna
Core staff members cannot begin writing until February 1, but it is a good idea to begin looking at how writers in publications like the New York Times, TIME, and the Guardian make news until then.
Researcher TimelineAll research - due Jan 31
Designers' TimelineRough draft - due Feb 14
Second draft - due Feb 28
WebsiteWe will need more content for the site. For now, we will complete the About Us description by January 24. We will continue Web development after we complete this part. Expect updates regarding tasks for this later on.
Future EventsTemporarily, at the end of February we will do an event called "Walk the Precinct." That means going door-to-door asking people if they have registered or not. Hopefully we will have T-shirts that can help identify us.
Public Speaking PracticePresident Albert W. gave a question “what’s your favorite color?” for everyone to give a 2-minute speech on this topic. After the speeches, Albert also gave suggestions to each members regarding where he/she can improve.
The next meeting, everyone will be required to stand at the front of the room to present his or her work. This is a part of building your confidence for future social events, training your leadership skills.
Next meeting is scheduled on 1/24/2016 (Sunday) at 2:00pm
With no further business before the meeting, and upon a motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was adjourned.